Otters are adorable - April 15, 2014

April 16, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


I woke up with a killer headache this morning. My ears have gone all wonkey and I didn’t sleep very well. I think the combination made me feel all wobbly. I took some Sudafed and we headed off to Burford to walk around the town and then we were going to have lunch and then go to the Cotswold Wildlife Park to see the animals.


Burford was a beautiful town. We parked in the church parking lot and strolled through the churchyard. It was a beautiful church and had a great door. There was a pair of mallards taking a nap in the churchyards. Our mallard friends are everywhere on this trip. 


We wondered through town and quickly realized that this town also had great doorknockers. I even have Paul scouting them out now. After many doorways and knockers later we made our way back to the car and had our lunch overlooking the river in the churchyard.



Of course there were baby ducklings in the river paddling away. There was one very determined and independent one doing laps up and down in front of us. He enjoyed the bits of our bread we shared with him.

After lunch we headed to the Cotswold Wildlife Park to see the animals. It was a beautiful park. All of the animals were out enjoying the sunshine. They have a new baby rhino that Paul had to drag me away from. He was so cute and feisty.


Paul's House lion

The otters were another favorite of mine. They were all out in a gang and making the cutest squeaky noises. I think I watched them for at least 30 minutes.  All of the flowers were in bloom in the park too making it even lovelier.


We stopped by Paul’s grandmother’s house on the way home. She had been under the weather so we decided to stop for a visit to cheer her up. She had the sweetest kitty Poppy and so many elephant figurines.. I was bummed there weren’t any elephants at the wildlife park but the baby Rhino made up for it. 


I took another serious nap when we got home and my ears felt so much better afterwards. Paul’s mum made a delicious curry for dinner and then we got ready to go meet Paul’s friends Chris and Laura for a drink at the pub. We went to Chris’ house and had to wait a few moments till Laura got home. We sat in the living room and I had a panic attack the whole time because there were cages of snakes in there. Paul and Chris were very nice and turned of the snake lights and I didn’t actually see them but still freaked out none the less.. eww reptiles..


We walked to town and had a lovely night at the pub. Chis and Laura were awesome.


A moonlit walk home and a good night sleep and Im sure I’ll be feeling better in the morning.

Off to Gloucester and Sudley Castle tomorrow. 


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